The EARTH DAY DEVELOPMENT STAR University Sustainability Evaluation System Helps Chinese Universities Align with Global Standards

Environmental challenges have become a global concern, transcending national boundaries as the world grows increasingly interconnected. To address these concerns and advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, there’s a growing need to engage youth in environmental protection and social progress. Recognizing this issue, QS, the leading global university ranking system, has incorporated sustainability as a key criterion in its evaluations. This strategic move aims to motivate universities to nurture professionals well-versed in sustainable development practices, thereby contributing to a more environmentally conscious future.

Earth Day has been at the forefront of integrating environmental protection with education since its inception. Launched in 1970 by Harvard student Denis Hayes, this global environmental movement has had a profound impact, even contributing to the establishment of the United Nations Environment Programme. Over the past half-century, Earth Day has become deeply embedded in academic institutions, forging partnerships with universities and educational departments worldwide. Its influence extends to providing standardized environmental education materials for national curricula, guiding universities in organizing eco-focused events, and supporting the development of environmental studies programs. This comprehensive approach has cemented Earth Day’s role as a catalyst for environmental awareness and education in higher learning institutions globally. In addition, Earth Day has forged long-term, substantive partnerships with prestigious institutions such as Harvard and Stanford. These collaborations have not only spurred the creation of sustainability programs at numerous top-tier universities but also facilitated partnerships with education departments worldwide to incorporate critical topics like climate change into official curricula. As sustainability gains prominence in higher education globally, new leaders have emerged in the QS World University Sustainability rankings. Notable examples include the University of Toronto, UC Berkeley, and the University of Auckland in New Zealand, reflecting the growing commitment of universities to environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.

Today, sustainability initiatives are thriving across global higher education institutions. The Earth Day Development Star, a university sustainability evaluation system rooted in Earth Day’s mission, now assesses an increasing number of universities worldwide. This system provides crucial metrics and benchmarks for QS’s sustainability rankings, offering valuable insights into institutional environmental performance. Moreover, it establishes a robust foundation for the anticipated Global University Sustainability Alliance, paving the way for more coordinated and impactful sustainability efforts in the higher education sector.

China, a key player in global environmental protection efforts, has established sustainable development as a cornerstone of its long-term national strategy. President Xi Jinping has consistently emphasized the intrinsic value of environmental preservation, encapsulated in his often-quoted phrase, “clear waters and green mountains are invaluable assets.” He has also drawn a direct parallel between ecological improvement and economic productivity. China’s commitment to these principles was further reinforced on June 12, 2024, when President Xi, addressing the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development via video, reaffirmed China’s support for implementing the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

At the same time, Chinese universities are increasingly aligning with international trends and recognizing the importance of sustainability in education. As the official representative of Earth Day operations in China and a long-term partner of EARTH DAY NETWORK, IFCE, along with QS’s authorized partner Mshare, is advancing the Earth Day Development Star University Sustainability Evaluation System across Chinese universities. This initiative helps universities in China join the evaluation system, benchmark their performance against leading global institutions, and steadily enhance their influence in international sustainability rankings. It also supports the creation of a more sustainable China and contributes to the development of new talent dedicated to protecting the Earth’s environment.

世界大学可持续发展评估体系EARTH DAY DEVELOPMENT STAR助力中国高校与国际接轨


在推动环保与教育结合方面,世界地球日无疑是先行者,作为1970年由哈佛学生丹尼斯.海斯在校园发起的全球最大规模环保活动,世界地球日甚至推动了联合国环境署的成立。地球日至今已发展半个多世纪,长期扎根高校土壤,与大学甚至多国教育部门保持环境教育方面的合作,为国家教育部门提供标准化环境教育素材课程,组织指导高校开展环保活动,帮助高校发展环境专业。并与哈佛、斯坦福等世界名校长期深度合作,不仅让越来越多名校开设可持续发展专业,更与全球多个国家教育部门合作,将气候变化等内容加入到官方教学内容。随着各国高校对可持续发展的认知与重视程度的不断提升,近年来又诞生了多伦多大学、加州伯克利、新西兰奥克兰大学等QS世界大学可持续发展领域新晋领军大学。如今,全球高校可持续发展已成百花齐放的态势,以全球最大环保节日地球日为起点的高校可持续发展评估体系EARTH DAY DEVELOPMENT STAR为越来越多的高校进行评测,并为QS大学可持续发展排名提供重要衡量标准与参考意见,更将为计划落地的全球高校可持续发展联盟奠定坚实基础。

中国作为环保大国,已将可持续发展定为长期战略目标,习近平总书记多次强调绿水青山就是金山银山,改善生态环境就是发展生产力。更在2024年6月12日向联合国贸易和发展会议成立60周年发表视频致辞中表示要助力落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程。与此同时,中国高校也逐步加快与国际发展趋势的同步性,愈加重视可持续发展的教育意义。IFCE作为地球日全球官方机构EARTH DAY NETWORK长期合作伙伴和中国区地球日活动运营代表,与QS官方授权机构Mshare正一同推进高校可持续发展评估体系EARTH DAY DEVELOPMENT STAR在中国的发展,帮助更多中国大学加入评测体系,衡量自身实力,对标国际名校,稳步提升中国高校可持续发展在国际高校影响力及排名中的战略高度,更为建设美丽中国,护卫地球环境贡献源源不断的新生力量。