认证过程 (Accreditation Process)

认证条件:各校申请 EARTH DAY DEVELOPMENT STAR 认证需满足特定门槛要求。金、银、铜评级需要达到相应的类别分数并满足认证类别的数量要求。学校需要具备授予正规学位的资质,且有一届以上的毕业生。



  • 提交申请: 学校提交认证申请表及相关数据。
  • 审核评估: EARTH DAY DEVELOPMENT STAR 专家团队对申请数据进行初审和多方数据审核。
  • 反馈调整: 如有需要,学校可根据反馈调整改进。
  • 最终评级: 评估团队根据学校在各类别的得分,授予相应评级及奖章。

Accreditation Requirements: Institutions applying for EARTH DAY DEVELOPMENT STAR Accreditation must meet specific threshold requirements. Gold, Silver, and Bronze ratings require institutions to achieve the necessary scores in respective categories and meet the required number of Accreditation categories. Additionally, institutions must possess the credentials to grant recognized degrees and have at least one graduating class.

Accreditation Process:

  • Application Submission: Institutions submit the Accreditation application form along with relevant data.
  • Review and Evaluation: The EARTH DAY DEVELOPMENT STAR expert team conducts a preliminary review and a comprehensive data evaluation.
  • Feedback and Adjustment: If needed, institutions may make improvements based on the feedback provided.
  • Final Rating: The evaluation team awards the appropriate rating and medals based on the institution’s scores in each category.